(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece, pp. 517-536, 2021/05/26
International Discussions in Mycenaean Archaeology
October 5–8, 2016, Athens
The present paper summarises research and excavation work regarding the late Middle Bronze Age andearly Late Bronze Age development of the prehistoric settlement at Kolonna on Aigina. The starting point is the studiesundertaken between 2002 and 2011 in the area of the large building complex of advanced Middle Bronze Age date.There the gradual development of Aiginetan pottery production and the sudden appearance of a clear period of ‘Minoanisation’,manifested in the monumental building, Minoan imports, and the local production of Minoanising potteryin the advanced Middle Bronze Age, could be demonstrated by stratigraphic observations. At the beginning of the LateBronze Age a new trend in terms of pottery production and consumption is traceable, characterised by the appearanceof Aiginetan and Mainland Bichrome-Painted pottery and other classes of pottery, including very small amounts ofMycenaean pattern-painted pottery. This process of the ceramic ‘Mycenaeanisation’ is completed with the adoption ofMycenaean forming techniques in LH IIIA and seems enduring.
Keywords: Kolonna, Aigina, Middle Bronze Age, Late Bronze Age, Mycenaeanisation