
Placing the Kazarma Tholos Tomb within the Early Mycenaean Argolid

    Stefanos Keramidas, Sofia Spyropoulou, Andromache Vassilopoulou

(Social) Place and Space in Early Mycenaean Greece, pp. 479-500, 2021/05/26

International Discussions in Mycenaean Archaeology
October 5–8, 2016, Athens

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The Kazarma tholos tomb constitutes a significant monument of early Mycenaean funerary architecture inthe Argolid. It was excavated at the end of the ‘60s by Evangelia Deilaki and it immediately attracted the attention ofexperts since, amongst other things, it contained richly furnished intact burials and an array of prestigious grave goods,which convincingly denote the high status and connections of the deceased.With this presentation we will attempt to place the Kazarma tholos tomb within the natural and cultural landscape of theearly Mycenaean Argolid. Thus, we will focus on two main axes, topography and social structure. First, it is necessaryto discuss the position of the Kazarma tholos within the natural setting of the Argolid. Its location apparently createsintriguing questions. At the foot of a natural lookout, away from the known centres of the period, without any apparentrelation to a contemporary settlement or other burial structures, but on an important road that connected the ArgivePlain with the Saronic Gulf and the Aegean Sea, the choice of the specific setting for erecting such a monumental funeraryconstruction remains puzzling at least.The second part of our paper focuses on the interpretation of the Kazarma tholos tomb in relation to the evolvingsocio-political structure at the dawn of the Mycenaean Age. What are the elements and interrelations of power in theArgolid and under what conditions does a distinguished individual decide, or is potentially allowed, to build an imposingsymbol of posthumous remembrance on an important trade route? Is it even the case of a dignitary or maybe a localleader and in what way does this paradigm emerge from the overall transforming character of this early phase of theMycenaean Argolid?

Keywords: Argolid, tholos tomb, landscape, road system, social status