Electronic Publication/s

Riding/Writing Across Borders in North American Travelogues and Fiction

Riding/Writing Across Borders in North American Travelogues and Fiction


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7173-7
Subject AreaLinguistics and Literature
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print


page 1

Table of contents

page 5

Waldemar Zacharasiewicz


page 7

Waldemar Zacharasiewicz

Introduction: Riding/Writing Across Borders in North American Travelogues and Fiction

page 9

Aritha van Herk

Stygian Suitcases: Travel's Temptations

page 21

Robert Sayre

Moreau de Saint-Méry's Voyage: Transatlantic Crossing as Prefiguration of a Discovery of the Early United States (1793-98)

page 35

Christoph Irmscher

Audubon's Border-Crossings

page 45

Hartwig Isernhagen

Wied's Reise in das innere Nord-America and the Capabilities of Ethnographic Travelogue

page 65

Arno Heller

German Scientists and Artists Exploring the Trans Mississippi West

page 83

Michael O'Brian

Louisa Catherine Adams: Travel, Narrative and Gender

page 99

Christopher Mulvey

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Wondrous Stream Riding the Borders of Antebellum Experience

page 113

James Buzard

Portable Boundaries: The Question of Race in Trollope's North American Travels

page 129

Peter Brooker

The Moment of Arrival: Newness and Estrangement

page 137

James Schramer

Paved with Good Intentions: Eisenhower, the Intersate Highway System and the American Road Trip

page 151

Gary Totten

Geographies of Race and Mobility in Carl Rowan's South of Freedom

page 169

Winfried Siemerling

African Canadian Writing at the Crossroads of Space and Time: Lawrence Hill and Wayde Compton

page 185

Robert Brinkmeyer

Orbiting Home: V. S. Naipaul, Travel Writing, and the American South

page 201

Jeanne Dubino

New Orleans, Paris, and Nostalgia: Multiple Border Crossings in Josh Russel's Yellow Jack

page 213

David Staines

We'll Stay in Canada: The Traqvels and Travails of Stephen Leacock and Marshall McLuhan

page 231

Reingard Nischik

Crossing Borders in Margaret Atwood's Cartoon Art

page 241

William Stowe

Crossing into Wilderness: Negotiating Borders in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing and Linda Hogan's Solar Storms

page 259

Martin Löschnigg

Crossing Borderlines in John Steffler's The Grey Islands

page 271

Heinz Antor

Border-Crossings, Inter-cultural Encounters, and the Negotiation of Otherness in Rudy Wiebe's A Discovery of Strangers

page 281

Jan Borm

Discourses of Nordicity in Vilhjalmur Stefansson's My Life with the Eskimo (1913)

page 307

Martin Kuester

Border Crossings: The Significance of the 49th Parallel and Other Borders in Guy Vanderhaeghe's The Englishman's Boy and The Last Crossing

page 319

Gudrun Grabher

Jorie Graham's Poems on Paintings: Crossing Multiple Borders

page 331

Carmen Birkle

Crossing Borders of Time and Space: Bharati Mukherjee's The Holder of the World and the Global Novel

page 351

Sherrils Grace

Border Crossings in Contemporary Canadian Responses to the Two World Wars: Famous Last Words and Burning Vision

page 369

Waldemar Zacharaziewicz

List of Contributors

page 391