Electronic Publication/s

Wolfgang Lutz - Philip S. Morgan - Tomáš Sobotka - Maria Rita Testa

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2011

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research
ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-7235-2 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7252-9
Subject: Sociology, Economics
Refereed - online - print

Editor: Tomáš Sobotka
Managing Editor: Maria Winkler-Dworak            

Electronic Publication/s

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2011


The 2011 issue of the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research explores reproductive decision-making, focusing on theoretical, methodological, and empirical approaches to fertility preferences, fertility norms and motivations, family policies and actual fertility from individual, couple and aggregate perspectives. The contributions address various aspects of fertility decisions, including individual choices, couple interactions, societal influences, gender norms, and policy impacts. Most contributions stem from the REPRO project (Reproductive decision making in a macro–micro approach) on the antecedents and outcomes of fertility intentions. They tackle the complexity that emerges from the interaction between individual (including couple-level) and aggregate-level factors which jointly determine fertility decisions and the related birth outcomes. Many contributions are grounded in the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) by Ajzen and Fishbein, which is also critically assessed in the eight invited contributions in the Demographic Debate section.
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2011


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-7252-9
Subject AreaSociology and Economics
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Maria Rita Testa - Tomáš Sobotka - Philip S. Morgan

INTRODUCTION - Reproductive decision-making: towards improved theoretical, methodological and empirical approaches

page 1

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s1

Philip S. Morgan - Christine A. Bachrach

DEMOGRAPHIC DEBATE - Is the Theory of Planned Behaviour an appropriate model for human fertility?

page 11

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s11

Warren B. Miller

Comparing the TPB and the T-D-I-B framework

page 19

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s19

Jennifer S. Barber

The Theory of Planned Behaviour: considering drives, proximity and dynamics

page 31

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s31

Dimiter Philipov

Theories on fertility intentions: a demographer’s perspective

page 37

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s37

Jane Klobas

The Theory of Planned Behaviour as a model of reasoning about fertility decisions

page 47

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s47

Aart C. Liefbroer

On the usefulness of the Theory of Planned Behaviour for fertility research

page 55

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s55

Icek Ajzen

Reflections on Morgan and Bachrach’s critique

page 63

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s63

Christine A. Bachrach - Philip S. Morgan

Further reflections on the Theory of Planned Behaviour and fertility research

page 71

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s71

Máire Ní Bhrolcháin - Éva Beaujouan

Uncertainty in fertility intentions in Britain, 1979-2007

page 99

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s99

Saskia Hin - Anne Gauthier - Joshua Goldstein - Christoph Bühler

Fertility preferences: what measuring second choices teaches us

page 131

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s131

Maria Rita Tester - Laura Cavalli - Alessandro Rosina

Couples’ childbearing behaviour in Italy: which of the partners is leading it?

page 157

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s157

Nicoletta Balbo - Melinda Mills

The influence of the family network on the realisation of fertility intentions

page 179

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s179

Markus Kotte - Volker Ludwig

Intergenerational transmission of fertility intentions and behaviour in Germany: the role of contagion

page 207

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s207

David De Wachter - Karel Neels

Educational differentials in fertility intentions and outcomes: family formation in Flanders in the early 1990s

page 227

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s227

Clémentine Rossier - Sara Brachet - Anne Salles

Family policies, norms about gender roles and fertility decisions in France and Germany

page 259

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s259

Anna Rotkirch - Stuart Basten - Heini Väisänen - Markus Jokela

Baby longing and men’s reproductive motivation

page 283

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s283

Anna Baranowska - Anna Matysiak

Does parenthood increase happiness? Evidence for Poland

page 307

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s307

Jennifer S. Barber - Yasamin Kusunoki - Heather H. Gatny

DATA & TRENDS (non refereed articles): Design and implementation of an online weekly journal to study unintended pregnancies

page 327

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s327

Beatrice Chromková Manuea - Petr Fučík

Couple disagreement about fertility preferences and family-friendly policy measures in the Czech Republic

page 335

doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2011s335