Electronic Publication/s

Institut für Orientalische und Europäische Archäologie

Archaeologia Austriaca Band 106/2022

Archaeologia Austriaca
ISSN Online: 0003-8008
ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-9254-1
Subject Area: Ur- und Frühgeschichte
referiert - online - print

Electronic Publication/s

Archaeologia Austriaca Band 106/2022

Band 106/2022

Archaeologia Austriaca Band 106/2022


ISSN Online1816-2959
ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9254-1
Subject AreaPrehistory
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Jörg Weilhartner - Barbara Horejs


page 7

doi: 10.1553/archaeologia106s7

Petr Dresler ORCID - Gabriela Dreslerová - Nela Doláková - Petr Kočár ORCID - Romana Kočárová

Beaver as proof of the change of natural environment and economy of the first half of the 10th century AD

page 117

doi: 10.1553/archaeologia106s117

Günther Kaufmann ORCID - Andreas Putzer ORCID

Neue Erkenntnisse zur Geschichte der Kirche St. Valentin in Schlaneid (Südtirol)

page 137

doi: 10.1553/archaeologia106s137

Michael Doneus ORCID - Wolfgang Neubauer ORCID - Roland Filzwieser ORCID - Christopher Sevara ORCID

Stratigraphy from Topography II. The Practical Application of the Harris Matrix for the GIS-based Spatio-temporal Archaeological Interpretation of Topographical Data

page 223

doi: 10.1553/archaeologia106s223

Barbara Horejs ORCID - Aleksandar Bulatović ORCID - Jelena Bulatović ORCID - Clare Burke ORCID - Michael Brandl ORCID - Laura Dietrich ORCID - Dragana Filipović ORCID - Bogdana Milić ORCID - Ognjen Mladenović ORCID - Nora Schinnerl - Tim M. Schroedter - Lyndelle Webster ORCID

New Multi-disciplinary Data from the Neolithic in Serbia. The 2019 and 2021 Excavations at Svinjarička Čuka

page 255

doi: 10.1553/archaeologia106s255

Roderick B. Salisbury ORCID - Ian D. Bull ORCID - Susanna Cereda ORCID - Erich Draganits ORCID - Katharina Dulias ORCID - Kerstin Kowarik ORCID - Matthias Meyer 000-0002-4760-558X - Elena I. Zavala ORCID - Katharina Rebay-Salisbury 0000–0003–0126–8693

Making the Most of Soils in Archaeology. A Review

page 319

doi: 10.1553/archaeologia106s319