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Electronic Publication/s

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2023

Special Issue: The causes and consequences of depopulation

The 2023 volume of the Vienna Yearbook of Population Research puts a spotlight on the causes and consequences of population decline – a phenomenon increasingly observed in many countries and regions around the world. This volume showcases the multifaceted nature of population decline, featuring studies from diverse disciplines including environmental studies, urban/regional planning and sociology. Comprising a collection of 18 articles, it examines trends, causes and consequences, challenges and policy responses at various spatial levels, often with a focus on the key role of migration in driving population decline. The seven Debate contributions included in the volume defy the gloomy picture typically associated with population decline, also stressing the (potential) benefits from population decline.
Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2023


ISSN Online1728-5305
ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9259-7
Subject AreaSociology and Economics
Quality reviewrefereed - online


Zuzanna Brzozowska ORCID - Ekaterina Zhelenkova ORCID - Stuart Gietel-Basten ORCID

Population decline: Towards a rational, scientific research agenda

page 1

doi: 10.1553/p-n48k-cabb



Review Articles

Research Articles

Marianne Tønnessen ORCID - Astri Syse ORCID

How much would reduced emigration mitigate ageing in Norway

page 211

doi: 10.1553/p-g5fe-hafz

Brienna Perelli-Harris ORCID - Yuliya Hilevych ORCID

The triple burden of depopulation in Ukraine: examining perceptions of population decline

page 245

doi: 10.1553/p-azcj-d4f4

Fernando Gil-Alonso ORCID - Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco ORCID - Isabel Pujadas-R´ubies ORCID

Is Spanish depopulation irreversible? Recent demographic and spatial changes in small municipalities

page 277

doi: 10.1553/p-9fd9-h7g5

Federico Benassi ORCID - Annalisa Busetta ORCID - Gerardo Gallo ORCID - Manuela Stranges ORCID

Neighbourhood effects and determinants of population changes in Italy: a spatial perspective

page 311

doi: 10.1553/p-5dfz-c44a

Data & Trends

Olga Gagauz ORCID - Tatiana Tabac ORCID - Irina Pahomii ORCID

Depopulation in Moldova: The main challenge in the context of extremely high emigration

page 419

doi: 10.1553/p-ke2z-76zz