Electronic Publication/s

Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft - Band 161 (2019)
(Annals of the Austrian Geographical Society - Volume 161)

Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft - Band 161 (2019)<br/>(Annals of the Austrian Geographical Society - Volume 161)


ISSN Online0029-9138
ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8551-2
Subject AreaGeography
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print
Ernst Steinicke - Peter Čede - Igor Jelen

„Klein-Europa“ vor dem Verschwinden? Das Kanaltal hundert Jahre bei Italien

page 9

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s9

Zoltan Maroşi - Emanuel-Cristian Adorean - Oana-Ramona Ilovan - Gligor Viorel - Cristina-Georgiana Voicu - Alexandru-Sabin Nicula - Maria Eliza Dulamă

Living the Urban Cultural Landscapes in the City Centre of Cluj Napoca / Kolozsvár / Klausenburg, Romania

page 117

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s117

Sorin Daniel Manole - Tache Antonio Valentin - Vasile Meiţă - Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrișor

Analysis of Romanian Polycentricity Based on Functional Urban Areas

page 161

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s161

Weronika Dragan - Mirek Dymitrow - Robert Krzysztofik

Between History, Politics and Economy: The Problematic Heritage of Former Border Railway Stations in Poland

page 229

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s229

Sanja Pavlović - Marija Belij - Marina Vesić - Sara Stanić Jovanović - Irena Manojlović

Improvement of the Relationship between Environment and Tourism: Case Study of the National Park Đerdap in Serbia.

page 251

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s251

Christian Bauer - Katharina Kern - Wolfgang Sulzer

Detecting Hot Spots on High Resolution Airborne Thermal Imagery – An Automatic Process to Improve Roof Heat Loss Detection

page 271

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s271

Peter Jordan

1. (neue) UNGEGN-Sitzung, New York, 29. April – 3. Mai 2019

page 395

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s395

Wolfgang Schwarz

Die Geographie als „Großes Ganzes“ – Werner Bätzing 70 Jahre

page 407

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s407

Buchbesprechungen – Book Reviews

page 422

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s422

Helmut Wohlschlägl

Gesellschaftsnachrichten 2019

page 448

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s448

Autorenhinweise – Information for authors

page 463

doi: 10.1553/moegg161s463