Electronic Publication/s

Iranianate and Syriac Christianity in Late Antiquity and Early Islamic Period

Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik 87

Iranianate and Syriac Christianity in Late Antiquity and Early Islamic Period


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-9022-6
Subject AreaOriental Studies
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print



page 5


page 7

Christelle Jullien

Conversion to Christianity in the Sasanian Empire. Political and Theological Issues

page 11

Manfred Hutter

Intersection and Dependency of Christianity as a Minority Religion with and on Zoroastrian Dominance in the Sasanian Empire

page 33

Florence Jullien

The East-Syrian Patriarch: Constructing Identity through a Community Leader

page 53

Vittorio Berti

Mar Aba in Ādurbādagān. Leading a Church from Exile through the Iranian Landscape

page 83

Alexey Muraviev

In Search of the Lost Memoirs of the Persian mobed Converted to Christianity in the 4th Century

page 105

Nathanael Andrade

The Arrival of Iranian Christianity in the Indian Ocean

page 123

Harald Suermann

The Mission of the Church of the East to South India and Sri Lanka

page 149

Simon Brelaud

“The names give forgiveness of iniquity, not a man” Some Outcomes on Sasanian Christians’ Onomastics

page 181

Chiara Barbati

On the Iranian Lexicon in the Christian Old Uigur Texts from Central Asia

page 217

Andrea Piras

“And you gathered me to your houses”. Gospel Quotations in Manichaean Texts: Adaptations and Remaking of Mt 25, 35–36 in the Šābuhragān

page 229

Lijuan Lin

Preliminary Notes on the Syriac Version of the Legend of Saint George Found in Turfan

page 245

Adrian C. Pirtea

The Syriac and Sogdian Prefaces to the Six Books on the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Marian Traditions between the Eastern Mediterranean and Central Asia

page 279

Camilla Insom - Gianfilippo Terribili

In the Shade of a Tree. Holy Figures and Prodigious Trees in Late-Antique and Medieval NW Iran and Adjacent Areas

page 333

Antonio Panaino

Origenism and Manichaeism through the Lens of a Mazdakite Distortion

page 367


page 385

Notes on Contributors

page 397


page 401