Electronic Publication/s

The Archaeology of North Arabia, Oases and Landscapes

Oriental and European Archaeology Volume 4

The Archaeology of North Arabia, Oases and Landscapes


ISBN-13 Online978-3-7001-8086-9
Subject AreaPrehistory
Quality reviewrefereed - online - print


page 1


page 5

Barbara Horejs

Preface by the Series Editor

page 7

Marta Luciani


page 9

Marta Luciani

1 Mobility, Contacts and the Definition of Culture(s) in New Archaeological Research in Northwest Arabia

page 21

Michèle Dinies - Reinder Neef - Birgit Plessen - Harald Kürschner

2 Holocene Vegetation, Climate, Land Use and Plant Cultivation in the Tayma Region, Northwestern Arabia

page 57

Hans Georg K. Gebel

3 The Socio-Hydraulic Foundations of Oasis Life in NW Arabia: The 5th Millennium BCE Shepherd Environs of Rajajil, Rasif and Qulban Beni Murra

page 79

Sumio Fujii

4 Wadi Ghubai and Wadi Mohorak Sites: Protohistoric Burial Fields in the Tabuk Province, Northwestern Arabia

page 115

Arnulf Hausleiter - Alina Zur

5 Taymāᵓ in the Bronze Age (c. 2,000 BCE): Settlement and Funerary Landscapes

page 135

Andrea Intilia

6 Qurayyah Painted Ware: A Reassessment of 40 Years of Research on its Origins, Chronology and Distribution

page 175

Jérémie Schiettecatte - Antoine Chabrol - Éric Fouache

7 Landscape and Settlement Process in al-Kharj Oasis (Province of Riyadh) .

page 257

Jérôme Rohmer - Zbigniew T. Fiema

8 Early Hegra: New Insights from the Excavations in Areas 2 and 9 at Madāᵓin Ṣāliḥ (Saudi Arabia)

page 281

Romolo Loreto

9 The Role of Dūmat al-Jandal in Ancient North Arabian Routes from Pre-History to Historical Periods

page 299

Michael C. A. Macdonald

10 Three Dimensions in Two: Convention and Experiment in the Rock Art of Ancient North Arabia

page 317

Alessandra Avanzini

11 From South to North in Ancient Arabia

page 337

Reinhard Pirngruber

12 ‘Arabs’ in Late First Millennium BCE Babylonia

page 345

Sultan Muhesen - Faisal Al Naimi

13 An Overview of Archaeological Discoveries in Qatar During the Past 60 Years

page 355