Electronic Publication/sIoana Aminian Jazi - Thede KahlEthno-Cultural Diversity in the Balkans and the CaucasusSitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse927. Band ISBN-13: 978-3-7001-8875-9 ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-9345-6 Subject Area: Social Anthropology refereed - online - print |
Ioana Aminian Jazi - Thede Kahl
Ethno-Cultural Diversity in the Balkans and the Caucasus - complete volume
doi: 10.1553/978OEAW88759
(Abstract) (PDF)
Ioana Aminian Jazi - Thede Kahl
(Abstract) (PDF)
Ioana Aminian Jazi - Thede Kahl
(Abstract) (PDF)
Ioana Aminian Jazi - Thede Kahl
Introduction page 9
(Abstract) (PDF)
Keith Hitchins †
On the Edge of Empires: Southeastern Europe and the Caucasus, 18th Century page 21
(Abstract) (PDF)
Patrik Tátrai
Ethnic Mapping in Central and Eastern Europe page 37
(Abstract) (PDF)
Victor A. Shnirelman
Archaeology, Society and Politics, or How and Why the Ancestors Were Invented in the North Caucasus page 57
(Abstract) (PDF)
Babak Rezvani
Republic of Azerbaijan: Ethnic Identity and Census Categories page 81
(Abstract) (PDF)
Christoph Giesel
The Bosniaks in Turkey Between Assimilation and Ethnic Revival: Social and Political Issues Since the Migration to the Present Day page 105
(Abstract) (PDF)
Fahri Türk - Kader Özlem
The Turkish Minority in Bulgaria: The Language Issue Today page 143
(Abstract) (PDF)
Stéphane Voell
Identity and Traditional Law in Albania and Georgia page 159
(Abstract) (PDF)
Florian Mühlfried
The Diplomatic and Military Relationship Between Georgian Highlanders and the Russian Empire: From the 17th Century to the Present Day page 177
(Abstract) (PDF)
Christoph Giesel
Die Aleviten und schiitisch-alevitisch beeinflusste Sufi-Orden in Südosteuropa: Ein Überblick zu Religion, Kultur, Ethnizität, Geschichte, Politik und Demographie page 193
(Abstract) (PDF)
Marieta Schneider
“Dancing” Ethnicity in the Caucasus and in the Balkans: Kosovo Circassians in the Russian Federation page 293
(Abstract) (PDF)
Walter Puchner
Greek Cultural Activities in the Black Sea Area Around 1900 page 321
(Abstract) (PDF)
Walter Puchner
Romanian-Greek Cultural Encounters at the Beginning of the 19th Century page 335
(Abstract) (PDF)
Victor Friedman
The Importance of Aromanian for the Study of Balkan Language Contact in the Context of Balkan-Caucasian Parallels page 345
(Abstract) (PDF)
Helmut Schaller
Slavic Elements in Modern Romanian and Their History page 361
(Abstract) (PDF)
Diana Forker
Emphatic Reflexive Particles in the Nakh-Daghestanian Languages page 369
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The Authors page 385
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Index page 391
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